JavaScript Objects

A JavaScript object is a collection of properties, where each property is defined as a key-value pair. Objects are fundamental to JavaScript and are used to store and manage data. Here’s an overview and examples of JavaScript objects:

Defining an Object

1. Using Object Literals

     const person = {
              name: ‘John’,
              age: 30,
              greet: function() {
                    console.log(‘Hello, my name is ‘ +;

2. Using the new Object() Syntax  

     const person = new Object(); = ‘John’;
     person.age = 30;
     person.greet = function() {
     console.log(‘Hello, my name is ‘ +;

Accessing and Modifying Properties

1. Dot Notation

console.log(; // Output: John
person.age = 35;
console.log(person.age); // Output: 35

2. Bracket Notation

console.log(person[‘name’]); // Output: John
person[‘age’] = 35;
console.log(person[‘age’]); // Output: 35

Adding and Deleting Properties

1. Adding Properties

person.address = ‘123 Main St’;
console.log(person.address); // Output: 123 Main St

2. Deleting Properties

delete person.age;
console.log(person.age); // Output: undefined

Nested Objects

Objects can contain other objects, allowing for complex data structures.
const person = {
           name: ‘John’,
           age: 30,
          address: {
                 street: ‘123 Main St’,
                 city: ‘New York’,
                 country: ‘USA’
            greet: function() {
                  console.log(‘Hello, my name is ‘ +;

console.log(; // Output: New York


Objects can also have methods, which are functions defined as properties.

const calculator = {
         add: function(a, b) {
          return a + b;
          subtract: function(a, b) {
           return a – b;

console.log(calculator.add(5, 3)); // Output: 8
console.log(calculator.subtract(5, 3)); // Output: 2

Iterating Over Properties

You can iterate over the properties of an object using a for…in loop.
const person = {
         name: ‘John’,
         age: 30,
         address: ‘123 Main St’

for (let key in person) {
console.log(key + ‘: ‘ + person[key]);

// Output:
name: John
age: 30
address: 123 Main St

Built-in Object Methods

1. Object.keys(): Returns an array of the object’s own property names.

console.log(Object.keys(person)); // Output: [‘name’, ‘age’, ‘address’]

2. Object.values(): Returns an array of the object’s own property values.

console.log(Object.values(person)); // Output: [‘John’, 30, ‘123 Main St’]

3. Object.entries(): Returns an array of the object’s own key-value pairs.

// Output: [[‘name’, ‘John’], [‘age’, 30], [‘address’, ‘123 Main St’]]

Math Object

The Math object in JavaScript is a built-in object that has properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions. It’s not a function object, so it doesn’t have a constructor. Here’s an overview of the Math object and examples of its commonly used properties and methods:

Math Object Properties

1. Math.PI: The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159.

console.log(Math.PI); // Output: 3.141592653589793

2. Math.E: Euler’s constant, the base of natural logarithms, approximately 2.718.

console.log(Math.E); // Output: 2.718281828459045

3. Math.LN2: The natural logarithm of 2, approximately 0.693.

console.log(Math.LN2); // Output: 0.6931471805599453

4. Math.LN10: The natural logarithm of 10, approximately 2.302.

console.log(Math.LN10); // Output: 2.302585092994046

5. Math.SQRT2: The square root of 2, approximately 1.414.

console.log(Math.SQRT2); // Output: 1.4142135623730951

Math Object Methods

1. Math.abs(x): Returns the absolute value of a number.

console.log(Math.abs(-5)); // Output: 5

2. Math.ceil(x): Rounds a number up to the nearest integer.

console.log(Math.ceil(4.3)); // Output: 5

3. Math.floor(x): Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.

console.log(Math.floor(4.7)); // Output: 4

4. Math.round(x): Rounds a number to the nearest integer.

console.log(Math.round(4.5)); // Output: 5
console.log(Math.round(4.4)); // Output: 4

5. Math.max(…values): Returns the largest of zero or more numbers.

console.log(Math.max(10, 20, 30)); // Output: 30

6. Math.min(…values): Returns the smallest of zero or more numbers.

console.log(Math.min(10, 20, 30)); // Output: 10

7. Math.pow(base, exponent): Returns the base to the exponent power.

console.log(Math.pow(2, 3)); // Output: 8

8. Math.sqrt(x): Returns the square root of a number.

console.log(Math.sqrt(16)); // Output: 4

9. Math.random(): Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

console.log(Math.random()); // Output: a random number between 0 and 1

10. Math.trunc(x): Returns the integer part of a number by removing any fractional digits.

console.log(Math.trunc(4.9)); // Output: 4

11. Math.sign(x): Returns the sign of a number, indicating whether the number is positive, negative, or zero.

console.log(Math.sign(3)); // Output: 1
console.log(Math.sign(-3)); // Output: -1
console.log(Math.sign(0)); // Output: 0

12. Math.cbrt(x): Returns the cube root of a number.

console.log(Math.cbrt(27)); // Output: 3

13. Math.log(x): Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a number.

console.log(Math.log(1)); // Output: 0

14. Math.exp(x): Returns e^x, where x is the argument and e is Euler’s constant.

console.log(Math.exp(1)); // Output: 2.718281828459045

15. Math.hypot(…values): Returns the square root of the sum of squares of its arguments.

console.log(Math.hypot(3, 4)); // Output: 5

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